Aura Cloud enters into agreement with CredPoint for the delivery of a technical platform and the future of credit checks
CredPoint and Aura Cloud have entered into an agreement where Aura Cloud will deliver CredPoint's technical platform for credit checks, starting in Sweden.
The first version to be launched is a solution for controlling credit commitments in real time among affiliated banks and financial institutions. The solution requires no central credit register that needs to be maintained and stored - everything is done in real time and completely without limitations. Connected players will quickly draw the benefits of CredPoint's solution as it lowers the risks of credit decisions and can contribute to the financial institutions’ loan losses decrease, something that the market lacked for a long time.
CredPoint also enables an in-depth social problem to be counteracted. The possibilities of over-consuming on credit, borrowing a lot of money in a short time and to be indebted to several creditors at the same time have grown sharply. This in turn creates dangerous debt levels for society and for individual individuals, that CredPoint services can help prevent.
“Otroligt kul samarbete som vi länge sett fram emot. Projektet är nu i full gång och alltid uppfriskande med kunder som vill utmana vår bankplattform och tänka nytt – det är då vi trivs som bäst. Ett intensivt projekt med många banker och finansiella institut som ska integreras. En superstart på 2022 helt enkelt och stort tack för förtroendet, CredPoint.”
“Valet av leverantör föll ganska snabbt på Aura Cloud, mycket tack vare deras flexibla bankplattform samt deras agila förhållningssätt till vår affärsidé. En klar fördel med att ha en leverantör som Aura Cloud i ryggen är ju dels förståelsen för komplexiteten i vår lösning men också att vi kan dra nytta av att de kan hjälpa de banker som vill ansluta sig till CredPoint men av olika anledningar inte har förutsättningarna själva.”
About CredPoint
With the help of CredPoint's services, the transparency between lenders and other information providers is improved, which means that the information about individuals 'and companies' credit commitments is updated and made available to creditors in real time. Today, information in a credit report can be updated as rarely as once a month, which exposes both the consumer and the lender to risks. The delay also contributes to the increased number of personal thefts and frauds. CredPoint's solution, which is integrated into the lenders' existing systems, creates the conditions for a more secure credit market and a more stable economy.
Ivo Leszczynski, CTO, CredPoint,
Tobias Hertzman, Sales Director Nordics, Aura Cloud,